Saturday, February 29, 2020

American Revolution or Evolution

Doesnt it enthrall one that a single word could bifurcate scholars and create factions amongst the erudite. Tort quo © (why? ) there must be a reason and there is! The answer is simple yet rational: Perspective. Albert Einstein, (the famous physicist) most remembered by his theory of relativity, concluded that distance and time were not absolute. History resides In the same niche. It Is more than a chronological account of past events of a period or a livelihood or development of a people, an institution, or a place. But what it is not is absolute. It is always left upon interpretation, scrutiny, analysis, probing and pondering. The perception or perspective gained through such rigorous processes is also subject to the base of a historian. It Is very uncommon to find historians sharing their bases of initial learning and therefore the effect of their own era, age, surroundings and upbringing must also be taken account of. A revolution, defined by Encyclopedia Britannica Is: a major. Sudden, and hence typically a violent alteration in government and in related associations and structures.On the other hand Oxford dictionary defines an evolution as: the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form. Let us decide upon the usage of the word Revolution, which one can venture out to say, could be dated from the year 1775 with Its Ignition being the battle of Lexington and Concord and culmination being the ratification of the constitution of the states In 1782. Seemingly easy doesnt It? It doesnt really respond to how fundamentally did the thoughts, ideals, ideology and mindset of a 2. 5 million inhabitants change and led to the chain of events that became known as the American Revolution.What I believe Is that no people In the course of history have ever rebelled against a certain state, condition or Ideology without a buildup of grievances, resentment or a gradual shift of attitude towards accepting a better sadomasochism. Lets go back to the early 17th century when immigrations began to take place into the New World. Herds of folks comprising of German, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Jewish descent and not to mention the French Hugeness, began pouring into the lands in order to escape from the fetters of the Old World.They did not have any more an appetite for its rituals, its citrines, Its curbing of call liberties, and mostly the cost of living In It, One can even of the aforementioned causes. So it would be appropriate to say that a 17th ce ntury Europe was in revolution. Lets go further with this theory and say that the immigrants reaching the New World were revolutionaries. Almost 1 50 years of Paxar Americana (used strictly in context with the time period and not according to current usage) so to say was enjoyed by the colonists. During this time, some changes irrevocably did take place.This is evident from the fact that the language that the sorority of the immigrants originally spoke had evolved into a different dialect. So from this we can also entrust upon the belief that alongside linguistics political and socio-economic changes did also take place. A political change that actually began with the migrations was the rise of a political ideology known as Republicanism. Technically ruled by Great Britain or more accurately looked over, the colonies practiced the policy through their town halls and city councils. Very famous examples of such republican instruments were the Virginia House of Burgesses and theMassachusetts Assembly. These were regulated by either representative or direct democracy. The symbol of democracy at the time was looked upon as the House of Commons in England, however it did seem a bit more than contradicting to have the Bucking Palace towering high in the very country. The colonists did give their allegiances to the monarch but because of the fact that it was kind of conditional. Although they did not realize it nor was it formally declared but they remained docile because they were never tampered by British legislations.They had during this time, rated their own principles, created their own system of Jurisprudence, law, Justice, methods of trade, commerce, education, agriculture etc. When after the French and Indian war, the British began actively participating in the earlier enumerated colonial components of society; it wouldve obviously been not received glad hand edly by the Colonists as it did not. Lets now examine the economic evolution that took place to ensure Americas Independence. The 150 year old period was in terms of trade and commerce coined as a period of salutary neglect.For the colonists it brought economic prosperity and industrialization. For the British it was shooting themselves in the foot. Intentional lax in order to show the appreciation for economic freedom while regulating the policy of mercantilism. Does it make any sense? One would question Robert Walpole sanity between all of this; however he is not our subject of concern. What you shall so sow so shall you reap; a very old and passed around saying isnt it? But it does make sense in the context. The British for a very long period of time followed the policy and he colonist enjoyed its benefits.Smuggling was nothing out of the blue, very common. Other European nations also benefited from it, the Colonial agriculture products such as hay, wheat, barley, maize and cotton were valued highly in foreign markets. When the British annoyed at Colonial stubbornness to pay taxes, passed the writs of assistance; there was an outrage. There had to be one, like it did, smuggling was not put up with anymore and a flow of revenue generation created as a result of foreign trade stagnated. How were the merchants to run their businesses without the redeem of trading being allowed to them as it had always been?Hence there was an outcry by the merchants who went bankrupt as a result of such legislation. Somewhere or another. The country was not at all familiar with taxes; once again it is necessary to mention that when we talk about being not being tampered for almost 150 years it is meant more than it sounds. Citizens in Britain were obliged to pay taxes, however their brethren in the New World were not. I do at times believe that absolute freedom corrupts absolutely, there should be some harnesses or bridles put n in order to let civility root in or in this case for rule to sustain.When suddenly exposed to direct taxes such as Stamp Act and Sugar Acts why would it not cause havoc with in the colonists? It would lead to acrimony towards the crown like it did, it would lead to mass protests like it did and would lead to severing of ties like it did. In the beginning I wrote about how a historical event is subject to independent interpretation. How historians may or may not agree on something because of the different elements molding the shape of the basis for their knowledge.I must confess that it is no t arbitrary and applies to myself as it does to any other individual. I believe that evolution without revolution is lame and revolution without evolution blind, very similar to what Einstein said about religion and science. One thing is for certain though, nothing is by nature revolutionary. There has to be friction to beget fire. During the 150 year period evolutionary changes in political beliefs, social policies and economic mechanisms did take place otherwise the colonists wouldve never armed themselves to teeth and hoisted the flag of revolution.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Finance 3000 2day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Finance 3000 2day - Essay Example Market average input prices were accordingly used to determine cost and give tangible results when used in SFA. Data Presentation The figure showing changes of profit efficiency of the Chinese banking industry This figure underscores the effect of penetration of foreign banks on Chinese domestic banks. During the initial stage of market penetration, domestic banks drop or stagnant in terms of profit efficiency. This is occasioned by the need to increase investment in technology and efficient systems in order to stay competitive. These measures drive the cost upwards resulting in decreased profit margin. The trend changes to that of growth after the necessary technology and efficient systems are in place. The exponential growth face exceeds the negative impact occasioned and this in general increases profit efficiency and by extension the efficiency of the domestic banks. These results indicate that City commercial banks are the most profit efficient whilst state-owned banks being the least in terms of profit efficiency. This is a deviation from the fact that state-owned banks (SOCBs) tend to be more cost effective. The reason for this is that SOCBs tend to have higher Non-performing loans (NPLs) than City commercial banks (CCBs). ... to measure efficiency of banks from a different perspective and the following figures depict the mean technical efficiency in the Chinese banking sector by bank type: A. B. Model A is an experiment on profitability or income generation while model B examines the efficiency of earning asset production and growth. A quick comparison of these two models shows that within the first five years model B reached an efficiency at a faster pace than model A. This is an indication that banks here were more poised on asset building rather than profitability. In the year 2000 the graphs are flat indicating diminished growth occasioned by the banks being more profit conscious instead of first pursuing asset growth. Further interpretation of the data in model A shows that JSCBs are more efficient and better performers than all the other banks. This could be attributed to the fact that JSCBs are more autonomous and free of direct intervention by the Chinese government. JSCBs are also not faced with numerous challenges of NPLs like SOCBs. CCBs have a poor showing indicating bias or small sample size of these types of banks while researching. Chen et al (2005) findings are proven in model B whereby SOCBs outperform JSCBs in efficiency. This, however, is in direct contravention of known literature depicting the relationship between the government and the banking industry. A possible answer could be that the vast amount of state funds poured into SOCBs for their growth is having an impact and the banks are gaining stability. These two models of income based and asset based are another way to measure the impact that foreign banks have had on the efficiency of the Chinese domestic banking industry. A clearer picture is painted by including other parameters. Discussion For a very long time

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Geriatric Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Geriatric Care - Essay Example Therefore, understanding of the differences that distinguish the elderly from the younger patients has turned vital in the modern care practices. While many of the differences relate to pharmacological and biological changes associated with aging, the psychological aspect of geriatric care can hardly be neglected too. Knowledge of the basic psychological characteristics of elder patients can contribute seriously to the provision of optimal geriatric care (Lyness, 2004). Over the last two decades, the role of professional psychological services involving elder patients has been increasing. Thus, while in 1986 psychological practice in nursing homes was almost non-existent, after only ten years psychological services became very common in those institutions. Simultaneously, practitioners and researchers started to accumulated specific knowledge related to the unique principles of psychological care of older adults (APA, 2003). The existing data in the field of geriatric care allows identifying the basic psychological principles and concepts understanding of which is critically important for care professionals to be effective in their work with elder patients. Elder patients have in common a special sensitivity to the psychological quality of care provided by health professionals. This sensitivity is largely due to the perceived biologic vulnerability and decreased ability to cope with stress observed in elder patients (Neugarten, 1984). Therefore, psychological geriatric care requires from care providers to observe several specific principles which help address the unique psychological needs of elder patients. The psychological view on the process of aging has transformed seriously over the course of the last century. In the past, growing old was predominantly viewed as a sad and negative experience " an ever-increasing slope, racing quickly toward death" (Sperry & Prosen, 1996: 5). Although such distorted perception of aging still persists in the modern culture, it is far from being as predominant as it was in the past. And what is especially important aging is viewed as a dynamic process that challenges the individual to make continuing behavioral adaptations rather than a static condition that leaves the individual no opportunity for better life (Diehl, Coyle, & Labouvie-Vief, 1996). However, while majority of modern theorists tend to view aging as a complex dynamic developmental process, the most essential difficulty is changing the traditional perceptions as for the nature of this process. This difficulty is perfectly summarized by Sperry and Prosen (1996): ".the elderly in general will be better served if theorists, clinicians, and researchers develop more positive images of aging. This amounts to a paradigm shift in our thinking about the older adult. To do so we must first confront the myths and misconceptions we have about aging and carefully consider the ever-increasing evidence that aging is in fact a development process" (Sperry & Prosen, 1996: 3). Such situation can be explained by the fact that absolute majority of theories and perspectives in the field of psychological development of human being focused almost exclusively on the earliest stages of life - infancy, childhood and adolescence. Although psychodynamic, cognitive, humanistic, and behaviorist theories viewed the process of human development